About Me

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Right now i wanna share with everyone the fact that today in japanese class, i got to 20 stickers!!! What's that mean you ask? Well, it's simple. In my class, at the beginning of the year we were all given sticker sheets. They are 10 by 5 squares and every time you get to 20, you earn whats called a goodie bag prize. So because i now have 23, i got my first goodie bag prize!

I don't know what it says but what i could read on the back said 水あめ or rain water. So, that was most definitely exciting. So this candy is vanilla flavored and it has little beads in it that burst when you chew, they have like coffee tasting stuff in them. It was one of the weirdest food experiences ever. All my family said it tasted good, I think its OK i suppose.

In other news, I learned to type ひらがな on the computer and that's kinda why i started this blog. To practice. I think this was just a filler activity. Finals are next week and i am fully prepared to get 百ぱせんと (100%)

Here's the list of what I need to study:

天気:さむい、あつい、きり、かぜがよわい、でしょう、はれ、あめ、くもり and various other terms.

てんてん & まる:がぎぐげご、ざじずぜぞ ect...

...and that's about it. I'm good on everything else. =D

And just for reference here is the ひらがな alphabet.

あ か さ た な は ま や ら わ ん 
い き し ち に ひ み   り      
う  く す つ ぬ ふ む ゆ る
え け せ て ね へ め     れ
お こ そ と の  ほ も よ ろ を

That's all 46 letters! Well that's all for now!




This is a little blog I have put together so that I can share the path I take on my way to learning Japanese. If there is anything I can post in full Japanese, I will. But other then that this blog will be about 75% English and the remaining 25% would be Japanese. So, thank's for joining me and I hope that you learn while I learn. =)

Be sure to post any comments you would like under any and all my posts! Be you new or old, I'd love to read any comment. Also, if you want to, post any Japanese you know or write me a comment in Japanese!
